Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can Technology be TRULY beneficial in our classrooms?

I would like to start this post by saying that I don't believe everyone will always agree on the proper way to implement technology into teacher instruction and academic curriculum. However, I do believe there is a way to analyze what Oppenheimer, the Alliance for Childhood, and NET-S has said about technology in the classroom, and produce a technology literacy program that could be beneficial to students.

Oppenheimer made it very clear in his book The Flickering Mind that he believes technology has not benefitted America's classroom and that it has even hindered learning (through evidence of programs and studies). I think Oppenheimer made a very strong point in his first chapter when he said that America pushed for all these computers to be brought into the classroom, but once they got there the teachers and students had no idea how to use them to their full capacity. It wasn't necessarily that students and teachers couldn't understand how to use the computers, but there had been no proper training or guidance on how to use these new devices. Therefore, the promise that education would be revolutionized with the introduction of the computer had not been delivered.

The Alliance for Childhood is close to what we are aiming for I believe. They are pointing out that it is not necessary to have technology take over our classroom because of the need for our students to develop on their own without any crutches, but that we can incorporate computers and other technology into our instruction to enhance student learning. I personally like the Technology Literacy Program and the teacher candidate suggestions they have outlined in Tech Tonic. From personal experience, I have definitely been in classes where I spent more time trying to figure out how to use a program than I spent on going through the actual content needed to be presented. This is what we need to avoid. The NET-S outlines a great way to have teacher's use technology in the classroom by providing black and white suggestions.

Knowing what Oppenheimer has said about technology in the classroom, I think it is first important that before it be introduced to students, teacher's are able to fully explain and use the device or program. After this had been accomplished, it is the role of the teacher to then implement this new technology literacy without letting the technology take over the classroom learning experience. It is important for our students to develop on their own without spellcheck and various other technological tools that have made it easier for students today. However, as educators we must always remember that we are the ones who created technology in the first place and we are the individuals in charge of the technology. We must learn the necessary skills for life without the aid of a computer or other technology, but once this quality has been digested by our students, then we can introduce technology to enhance learning, communicating, expression, and understanding of new material.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where does Technology fit into my Philosophy of Education?

My personal philosophy of education is one that consists of the ideals aligned with Progressivism and Humanism. As a teacher, it is important to me to not only help my students develop academically, but personally, socially, and emotionally as well. The ultimate goal would be to produce independent thinkers that would be prepared for changes in the world one day. I believe all students are naturally curious creatures trying to make sense of the world around them, and for this reason, I think it is very important to provide ample opportunities for my students to seek new information and discoveries. This is the place where technology could fit in. Through the use of computers, my students will be able to discover new websites, programs, and software that will help their academic knowledge to flourish. I would take my students interest in various other forms of technology and try to incorporate them into my lesson plans. If I had access to a smart board, I would allow my students to participate using the board during our activities. If I had ELL students in my classroom, I would suggest using an iTouch for language development. This is a technological tool that most kids love using! Although there are limited resources at many schools, I would make the most of the technology around me to present information in a new and exciting way for my students. The paper-and-pencil way can be too monotonous for students and I think a great way to capture their attention and focus is to incorporate any type of technology into your lessons so that the students are retaining the information being conveyed.