Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where does Technology fit into my Philosophy of Education?

My personal philosophy of education is one that consists of the ideals aligned with Progressivism and Humanism. As a teacher, it is important to me to not only help my students develop academically, but personally, socially, and emotionally as well. The ultimate goal would be to produce independent thinkers that would be prepared for changes in the world one day. I believe all students are naturally curious creatures trying to make sense of the world around them, and for this reason, I think it is very important to provide ample opportunities for my students to seek new information and discoveries. This is the place where technology could fit in. Through the use of computers, my students will be able to discover new websites, programs, and software that will help their academic knowledge to flourish. I would take my students interest in various other forms of technology and try to incorporate them into my lesson plans. If I had access to a smart board, I would allow my students to participate using the board during our activities. If I had ELL students in my classroom, I would suggest using an iTouch for language development. This is a technological tool that most kids love using! Although there are limited resources at many schools, I would make the most of the technology around me to present information in a new and exciting way for my students. The paper-and-pencil way can be too monotonous for students and I think a great way to capture their attention and focus is to incorporate any type of technology into your lessons so that the students are retaining the information being conveyed.


  1. I like the fact that you acknowledged students as independent thinkers and the fact that technology will prepare them for the ever changing world. Maybe if students start early enough they will someday be able to type as fast as you can.

  2. I agree with your statement about incorporating technology to capture students attention. So many students today are being exposed to TV at an early age, which can put them at risk for having ADHD. Incorporating technology into lessons is a great way to capture their attention and can also be used to differentiate instruction.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Julianne,

    I agree with your statement,students need to be able to discover and seek new information by using various technology in their classrooms. I work at a Catholic school and I know how difficult it can be trying to incorporate technology with limited resources. This is why I believe attending professional development days assists in creating and implementing new ideas. I also do a lot of research on my own to find programs and activities to get my students more involved in their learning using technology.

  5. Your very last line about students retaining what they have learned I think is a critical idea. It's not enough to capture attention (though I agree that it is essential). Teachers have a big challenge in constructing activities that will help students fix the learning in their brain so that it can be retained. I think activities that required the student to reflect on and express their learning help a lot, and these activities are easy to make technology-rich.

